At Life-Line, there are many ways to give. You can help us through monthly financial giving or a one-time gift. Help train a volunteer, purchase personal needs (toiletries, shoes, socks, etc.), and provide a loving visit from someone who cares about the needs of those who rarely receive visitors. You may also wish to sponsor one of our Special Projects.
Give through auto pay through your bank. They will send a check every month in the amount you desire. A personal check is one other way to donate.
Or, if you have a vehicle that you no longer use, you may consider giving it to Life-Line. Motorized wheelchairs and slightly used clothing are also needed on occasion. Call us. We can pick up your donation and mail and/or email you a receipt.
Please mail checks to:
Life-Line Convalescent Ministries
8805 N. Magnolia Avenue
Santee, CA 92071
Life-Line Convalescent Ministries is an official Section 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation. All donations and gifts are fully tax deductible.